Well, here we are again! After a mere 2 years, I've finally got to a point where I can proudly present my Minigame Simulator! Why this long, you ask? Well, it wasn't always like this, of course, and it definitely didn't take that long. So in this post, I'll guide you through the creation of this "emulator", as well as its functionality!
It started way back around August of 2014. I've had this idea of making a game that could play other games within it, like those old "Minigame consoles" (of which, of course, I own one):
Picture from LÖVE Forum user lost_RD.
Pretty similar to the one I have in real life. |
What I had in mind for this project was ambitious, but it had to start small. And I mean small. This is what version 0.1 looked like:
It was only the bare bones of what I planned for this. It's not obvious from this picture only, but version 0.1 didn't have anything! All it did was play the Snake game, and a pretty lame first version for that matter. Pause and Settings didn't work, and you couldn't change games. There was no secondary screen for score, level, etc, and the skin was that, no changing.
However, right on this first "sketch" (can barely even call that a "Simulator", to be fair), I've started paving the ground for what I planned. I started setting up multiple game loading, preparing custom skins, etc. With this, came version 0.2. We already had pausing, settings and customizable skins. I've also updated the game to LÖVE 0.9.1 (version 0.1 was made for 0.8.0).
After 0.2, I kept working on it. But the more things I added, the more complicated it got. Massive bugs emerged, the game became super laggy, so I paused development on it for a while. I tried updating it a few times along these two years, but other projects started taking priority, and this started falling behind.
It wasn't, however, until a couple months ago, that I decided to pick up the pieces of what I've left behind, shake off the dust, untwist the knots, and polish up what I had in order to add it to my